How It is done?

My unique coaching approach

With a focus on overcoming self-doubt, enhancing communication, and nurturing trust,
I empower you to dismantle obstacles hindering your desired connections.
I help you reach powerful insights, challenge unbeneficial beliefs, and uncover unconscious truths often overlooked in your life.

Book your call with us!

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Let's create a life of meaningful connections, purpose, and fulfilment together.

Read more My credentials
My Professional Background

My Professional Background

I'm a seasoned life coach, mentor, and former teacher dedicated to helping individuals thrive in all aspects of their relationships. With a background in teaching and a passion for understanding human behavior, I embarked on a journey to explore how early experiences shape adult personalities. Through my Early Childhood Studies studies at Roehampton University, I delved into the profound impact of childhood interactions on our adult selves.

Recognizing the limitations of traditional education in fostering emotional intelligence, I began working as a family coach, developing workshops and mentoring programs to promote mental and emotional balance in children and their parents.

As it became clear that true transformation begins with healing childhood wounds, cultivating emotional mastery, and using insights for growth and transformation, my practice also evolved toward coaching individual adults.

Combining my teaching experience with my coaching and counseling training, I offer a unique approach to helping individuals achieve optimal interactions and build healthier relationships. Through empowerment and guidance, I assist clients in becoming mentally, emotionally, and socially balanced individuals, paving the way for a more fulfilling life.

From a challenging childhood to resilient adulthood,

From a challenging childhood to resilient adulthood,

A Glimpse into my story

My journey has been one of transforming pain into growth and finding self-acceptance. Growing up in an environment of violence, abuse, and neglect shaped my initial approach to the world. I learned to put on a tough façade, fearing vulnerability and relying on control to protect myself. However, as I grew older, I realized that these coping mechanisms were hindering my relationships, my health, and my overall well-being.

My upbringing greatly impacted my relationships with myself, others, and life. After decades of hardship, I understood that the life change I sought was within me, and I chose to embark on a metamorphosis, embracing courage and self-compassion.
Every difficult situation I have experienced has taught me the power of transforming pain into growth and self-acceptance.

Despite the pain and emotional resistance, I've learned to break free from old coping mechanisms and embrace vulnerability. Through life coaching, therapy, and self-discovery, I've healed wounds, fostered fulfilling connections, and acquired mental and emotional tools to face life's toughest challenges head-on.

As a life coach, I'm here to guide others on their own paths of healing and growth, helping them create and foster healthy connections with others and navigate life's ups and downs with strength and self-awareness.